
Welcome to Resource: Art Education! If you would like to be a contributor to the site, please contact Ashlee at amferraina@gmail.com. You can either request permission to add posts yourself or send a post, link, idea...etc. for the blogmaster to add for you!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Little Cartoon

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Few Quotes To Keep you going

Art is made to disturb. Science reassures. There is only one valuable thing in art: the thing you cannot explain.
Georges Braque

A work of art which did not begin in emotion is not art.
Paul Cezanne

What is one to think of those fools who tell one that the artist is always subordinate to nature? Art is in harmony parallel with nature.
Paul Cezanne
Those who do not want to imitate anything, produce nothing.
Salvador Dali

If I could say it in words there would be no reason to paint.
Edward Hopper

There is no must in art because art is free.
Wassily Kandinsky

The important thing is not so much
that every child should be taught,
as that every child should be given the wish to learn.
John Lubbock

Those who educate children well are more to be honored than parents, for these only gave life,
those the art of living well.

"You can pay people to teach, But you can't pay them to care." --Marva Collins  

"The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires."
-- William Arthur Ward 

"A master can tell you what he expects of you. A teacher, though, awakens your own expectation."
-- Unknown 

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Colors and Their Meanings

So, it may seem a bit hokey, but this site lists many colors and what they are supposed to make you think/feel. It's all based on auras. Even if you don't believe in auras, it may be a good resource for those planning to show colors to students, and hope these colors will make them "feel" something.

The link is here.

Here is a snip-it of what you'll find:

Aqua: Cooling and Balancing. Communication and expanded awareness.
Bright Orange: Health and vitality.
Lemon: Stimulates and vitalizes the brain. Cleansing.

Go Green

We briefly spoke about this artist today in ARU210, but no one could recall his name.
As a quick summary, this artist finds the decaying carcasses of birds, in their "stomachs" there is plastic debris.
This photography project should promote the "go green" movement....

Click here for Chris Jourdan's website!!!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Elementary Level Portrait Lesson. Adapted for Students with Cognitive Deficits.

Enduring Idea: Throughout time and across cultures, artists have depicted people as unique individuals.

Lesson Title: Portrait Investigation

Grade: 4

Time Allotment: 45 minutes


1.) Lesson Summary:

The lesson will begin with groups sitting at their designated tables.
Each table will have:
• a folder with a picture of a portrait enclosed
• 6 “Art Expert” names tags for each student to write their name on
• an envelope with descriptive terms enclosed (see attached wordlist)
• an envelop with color swatches
• worksheets (see attached worksheet)
There will also be available:
A document that will be projected with the 6 group portraits and 2 extra portraits (this will be what the class looks at when deciding which group had which portrait) (see attached screen model)
A short description of each portrait (see step 4)
The lesson will proceed in 4 steps:
1. Students working individually will analyze and interpret the portrait at their table and complete their worksheet, which will help them, compose a personal back-story for the portrait.
2. Students will work as a group at their tables to decide which of the adjectives in the envelope best describes their portrait. They will also decide what the title of their portrait is and write it down.
3. One group of students at a time will be labeled the “Art Experts”. They will go to the front of the classroom and present their title and adjectives and color swatch choices. The rest of the class will then vote on which portrait they think belongs to the group that’s presenting. Each group will repeat the process.
4. Students will return to their tables where they will find a paper about their portrait with the following context:
a. The artist’s name
b. Medium
c. Year that it was made
d. The title of the work
e. Matching color swatches
f. A short description of the work
g. Why the artist create the work

The students will then have a culminating group discussion given this new information. They will decide if their pre-conceived opinions of the work have changed now that they know its true context.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Unit Plan: Power and Freedom.

Quick Facts:
Unit Big Idea: Power and Freedom: to create, to change, to control. Art making can empower the artist. Artists have the freedom to be creators of new worlds.
Grade: 6th
Number of Lessons: 5

If you click here, you can see my full unit plan. It may grow and change over time, and I'm always open to suggestions/comments.

 For the powerpoint created for Lesson 1, click Oppression and Freedom


Hopefully this will prove to be a valuable resource through our college careers and into our professional careers. If you would like permission to post and edit the site, please let me know.
My goal is to make this a quick go-to place to either post questions or ideas regarding lesson plans, big ideas, interesting artist, job opportunities.....anything art or art education related!
Good luck with your unit planning,